Conferences at Queens

Conférences et colloques à venir sur les animaux à l’Université Queens (Kingston, Ontario)
Upcoming conferences and worshops at Queens University (Kingston, Ontario)

Events and Speakers in Animal Studies

Upcoming Speakers, Conferences & Workshops

Will Kymlicka

Kymlicka will deliver the Queen’s Department of Philosophy Colloquium on March 19, 2015 at 4:00 pm (Watson Hall 517). The title for his talk is “Rethinking membership and participation in an inclusive democracy: cognitive disability, children, and animals”. Kymlicka is a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Queen’s.

Lynda Birke

Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Chester, UK will deliver a public lecture on March 23, 2015. Details TBA. Birke is a pioneer in both feminist science studies, and human-animal studies. She is associate editor of the journals Society and Animals, and Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies. She has written extensively on non-human animal experimentation, and her recent work focuses on human-equine relationships. Birke’s many books include: Feminism, Animals and Science: The Naming of the Shrew (1994); Reinventing Biology: Respect for Life and the Creation of Knowledge (with Ruth Hubbard, 1995); and The Sacrifice: How Scientific Experiments Transform Animals and People (with Arnold Arluke and Mike Michael, 2007). APPLE is pleased to be able to co-sponsor this special lecture with Gender Studies. Lynda Birke’s overlapping expertise in feminism, animals and science makes her an ideal speaker to address one of APPLE’s ongoing themes – the costs of a scientific model that positions animals as objects to be manipulated, analyzed and experimented upon; and the potential of alternative approaches that engage in scientific inquiry with animals rather than doing science on them.

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Workshop on “The Place of Animals in Science:  Hidden Costs/Hidden Potential”.

April 22, 2015

This workshop on ethical approaches to science education and inquiry is co-sponsored by APPLE and Queen’s Faculty of Education. It will take place on April 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm in Duncan McArthur Hall, Rm A343 (Queen’s University, West Campus).

The format is a panel discussion featuring experts in humane science and alternatives to dissection and animal use, followed by an (optional) opportunity for hands-on investigation of alternative pedagogies. All are welcome. We expect this workshop to be of particular interest to science educators (primary, secondary and post-secondary) and researchers. More details to follow.

Background: While recent scientific research has helped to confirm not only the sentience of many animals, but also their rich mental and emotional lives, it appears that science education as practiced throughout much of North America continues to treat animals in a purely instrumental way. Critics have argued that science education, starting especially at the secondary school level, plays a key role in desensitizing future researchers, molding them to suit a research culture that reduces animals to objects of study, rather than recognizing them as living and feeling beings, and members of ethical and ecological community. Moreover, there is at least some evidence that science education, as currently practiced, alienates certain students, disproportionately female students and Aboriginal students, by disparaging their sense of ethical concern for, and kinship with, the more-than-human world. This suggests that rethinking the place of the animals in science education is vital, not only for improving human-animal relations, but also for creating genuinely inclusive forms of education.

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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