- Co-édition numéro spécial bilingue « Becoming Ecofeminisms / Devenirs Écoféministes » (avec Astrida Neimanis), PhaenEx. Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture (11.1, 2016) CALL FOR PAPERS ENDS AUGUST 2015.
- Co-édition avec Chloë Taylor du numéro spécial “Animal and Food Ethics/Éthique animale et alimentaire“, Phaenex, 8.2. 2013.
PHAENEX 8.2 (2013) Animal and Food Ethics / Ethique animale et alimentaire
PHAENEX 8.2 (2013) Animal and Food Ethics / Ethique animale et alimentaire
Table of Contents
Editorial Introduction | view-PDF |
Christiane Bailey and Chloë Taylor | i-xv |
Stirring the Pot (A short play in six scenes) | View-PDF |
Sue Donaldson | 1-27 |
La diversification de la recherche en éthique animale et en études animales | view-PDF |
Ralph Acampora | 28-46 |
Veganism as Affirmative Biopolitics: Moving Towards a Posthumanist Ethics? | view-PDF |
Eva Giraud | 47-79 |
The Flipside of Violence, or Beyond the Thought of Good Enough | view-PDF |
Leonard Lawlor | 80-104 |
The “Present Referent”: Nonhuman Animal Sacrifice and the Constitution of Dominant Albertan Identity | view-PDF |
Kelly Struthers Montford | 105-134 |
Beyond Biopolitics: Animal Studies, Factory Farms, and the Advent of Deading Life | view-PDF |
James Stanescu | 135-160 |
Domination and Consumption: An Examination of Veganism, Anarchism, and Ecofeminism | view-PDF |
Ian Werkheiser | 161-184 |
Water and Wing Give Wonder: Trans-Species Cosmopolitanism | view-PDF |
Cynthia Willett | 185-208 |
Nonhuman Animal Rights, Alternative Food Systems, and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex | view-PDF |
Corey Lee Wrenn | 209-242 |
Eat or Be Eaten: A Feminist Phenomenology of Women as Food | view-PDF |
Emily R. Douglas | 243-254 |
Book Symposium / Autour d’un livre
Gary Steiner’s Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013
“Postmodern” Critical Animal Theory: A Defense | view-PDF |
Chloë Taylor | 255-270 |
La bête, Dieu sans l’être. La déconstruction derridienne peut-elle fonder une communauté politique et morale entre vivants humains et non humains? | view-PDF |
Patrick Llored | 271-295 |
“Postmodernism,” Politics, and Pigs | view-PDF |
Jan Dutkiewicz | 296-307 |
Response to Commentators | view-PDF |
Gary Steiner | 308-325 |
Book Encounters / Notes de lecture
Note de lecture sur Frank Burbage, Philosophie du développement durable. Enjeux critiques | view-PDF |
Pierre Béland | 326-330 |
Note de lecture sur Robert R. Williams, Tragedy, Recognition, and the Death of God. Studies in Hegel & Nietzsche | view-PDF |
Martin Thibodeau | 331-345 |
To Do Or Not To Do? The Place of Ambiguity in the Work of Simone de Beauvoir. An Encounter with Sonia Kruks, Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity | view-PDF |
Rita A. Gardiner | 346-359 |
Immanence, Difference, and the Overcoming of Metaphysics. An Encounter with Leonard Lawlor, Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy | view-PDF |
Donald A. Landes | 360-374 |
Faire l’expérience de soi. Note de lecture sur Wolfgang Iser, L’appel du texte. L’indétermination comme condition d’effet esthétique de la prose littéraire | view-PDF |
Martine Béland | 375-386 |
Notes on Contributors / Notices biographiques
Notes on Contributors / Notices biographiques | view-PDF |
æ æ æ æ æ | 387-390 |