PhiloSophia – Special Issue on the Anthropocene


Special Issue on the Anthropocene

Editors Claire Colebrook and Jami Weinstein

philoSOPHIA invites essays that address the concept of the Anthropocene.


We invite contributions on the following questions and topics:

  • Does the ‘anthropos’ of the anthropocene have a sex, race or gender?
  • How do the ‘deep’ temporalities and stratifications of geological frameworks open or preclude new modes of feminist research?
  • Does the new universal of the human species (now united by impact) destroy decades of work on diversifying the concept of ‘woman’ in terms of race, sexuality, class and disability?
  • What are the race, gender and class politics or sexual ethics of geo-engineering?
  • In addition to these questions we also welcome work that focuses on :
  • problems of climate change,
  • debts and obligations to future generations and non-humans,
  • the sexual imaginary of ‘man’ at the centre of the anthropocene,
  • the distribution of responsibility for planetary destruction and sustainability,
  • new ways of thinking about production and reproduction in light of the growing sense of the impact of the human species.

Send a 500-word abstract to by March 1, 2014.

philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism is an international, peer-reviewed journal for scholarship that engages the rich traditions of feminist theory and continental philosophy, both broadly construed. The journal aims to broaden the discipline of philosophy and enrich the practices of feminist theory, bringing the conceptual resources of these fields together to address pressing socio-political issues. We encourage a wide range of theoretical approaches, particularly those exploring feminist philosophical questions through the lenses of queer, critical race, disability, and transnational perspectives.

Editors, Lynne Huffer and Shannon Winnubst
Advisory Board:
Sara Ahmed, Goldsmiths, University of London
Linda Alcoff, Hunter College, CUNY
Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley
Roderick Ferguson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Elizabeth Grosz, Duke University
Bonnie Honig, Brown University
Catherine Malabou, Kingston University, London
Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University
Cynthia Willett, Emory University

Published by


Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

2 thoughts on “PhiloSophia – Special Issue on the Anthropocene”

  1. As a feminst geologicst I would like to contribute a paper on the Anthropocene that provides some of the geological context that will allow us to “trouble” the neologism “Anthropocene.”
    I do not claim to be a philosopher. I am a transdisciplinary feminist scientist. The paper have in mind would be based on a talk I gave to the Cultural Studies Program lecture series at Occidental College.

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