Societies – Special Issue on Animals


Extended Deadline: October 31, 2014

Special Topics Issue of Societies: Animal Relations

Societies is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of sociology published quarterly online by MDPI.

For this special topics issue on Animal Relations, Societies seeks articles that theorize particular types of relations between humans and nonhuman animals, for instance companion relations, relations between urban humans and feral animals, hunter-prey relations, scientist-test subject relations, sexual relations, and alimentary relations.

Because one of the primary ways that humans interact with nonhuman animals today is by eating them, we are particularly interested in articles that address the ways that humans relate to nonhuman animals as food, and what processes enable us to see them as such.

Food Studies scholars have demonstrated the significance of what we eat to identities and processes of subjectification, while social and political theorists have argued for the need to think about subjectivity relationally.

Bringing together these strands of thought, we encourage authors to submit articles that consider animal foods in terms of relationships and relational subectivity.

How do our diets and alimentary practices involve relationships with others (human and nonhuman animals in the food industry, food providers, servers and cooks)?

How do we relate to ourselves as dieters or eaters? How is food a factor in our relationship choices (e.g. vegan sexuality, changing—or not changing—our diets due to relationships)?

How should we theorize the practices of cooking and eating with others, and eating the cuisines of others (e.g. postcolonial concerns)?

How do people engaging in counter-cultural alimentary practices (e.g. veganism) negotiate relationships with others who do not engage in these dietary regimes?

We welcome submissions that engage with these or any other topics involving the theme of animal relations.

Extended Deadline: October 31, 2014

Submission Guidelines:

Please follow the instructions for submitting your paper on-line that are found on the Societies journal website:

This issue is edited by Bryan Hogeveen, Kelly Struthers Montford, and Chloë Taylor of the University of Alberta.

Please contact them if you have any questions:

More info :

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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