Visiting Speakers in Animal Studies at Queen’s University

Will Kymlicka and Sue Donaldson are establishing at Queen’s University a research program on Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics.

Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law & Ethics (APPLE)

queensIn the burgeoning field of critical animal studies, Queen’s Philosophy is establishing a home for scholars focused on the ethical, legal and political dimensions of human-animal relationships.

We live in an unprecedented era of animal exploitation, habitat destruction, and species loss, prompting many to reconsider the ethics and sustainability of our treatment of non-human animals.

Our goal is to help bring ‘the animal question’ into the mainstream of academic research and public debate in Canada, focusing in particular on the moral, legal and political dimensions of how human-animal relations are governed.

They have establish the Abby Benjamin Postdoctoral Fellowship in Animal Studies and a series of Visiting Speakers

Visiting Speakers in Animal Studies

Gary Steiner: The Pathocentric Basis of Animal Rights

September 26, 2013

Gary Steiner is John Howard Harris Professor of Philosophy at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA, where he has taught since 1987. He is the author of Descartes as a Moral Thinker: Christianity, Technology, Nihilism (2004); Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents: The Moral Status of Animals in the History of Western Philosophy (2005); Animals and the Moral Community: Mental Life, Moral Status, and Kinship (2008); and Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism (2013).

as a Moral Thinker
and Its Discontents
and the Moral Community

Maneesha Deckha: Beyond Personhood: Toward an Embodied Legal Subjectivity for Animals

November 22, 2013.

Maneesha Deckha is Associate Professor of Law at the University of Victoria. Her research interests include critical animal law, postcolonial feminist theory, health law and bioethics. Her work has appeared in Hypatia, Ethics & the Environment, the Harvard Journal of Gender and Law, the Journal for Critical Animal Studies, the McGill Law Journal, and Sexualities among other publications. She has received grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. In 2008 she held the Fulbright Visiting Chair in Law and Society at New York University.

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giraffes eating apples


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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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