Neither Man Nor Beast: Patriarchy, Speciesism, & Deconstructing Oppressions

Neither Man Nor Beast: Patriarchy, Speciesism, & Deconstructing Oppressions

February 23, 2014 – WEB-based conference

neither man nor beast 2

Moving beyond the typical boundaries of social justice activism, this conference will be advocating for intersectional liberation across species and social identities.

By creating a space to discuss critical feminist theories and offering our unique experiences under patriarchy, we will be re-evaluating how
oppressions relate in our lives and our communities and how best to integrate this into advocacy for the rights of non-human and human animals
alike. Critiquing the limitations of popular and mainstream animal rights campaigns currently, and by offering solutions, we hope to advocate for a
more unified and diverse movement.

Ultimately, we wish to develop a more complete understanding of oppression and justice. Creating allies aware of the intersectionality of oppression
can afford us more opportunities to collaborate in meaningful and mutually inspiring ways. Our diversity of ideas and experiences offer potential to
build a more comprehensive, sustainable and effective movement against oppression. We need to strive for creating safer communities and more
responsible allies, in hopes of beginning to truly break down the existing hierarchical power structures, rather than reinforcing them. This
conference will function as a platform for dialogue, networking and organization with others in creating a more resilient rights liberation
movement for all.

*Call for Presentations:*

We are accepting abstract submissions for presentation topics on the following intersecting issues: veganism; women/womyn empowerment; queer
rights; hetero-normative privilege; feminism; trans and gender-queer rights; racism and perspectives from women of colour; white male supremacy;
patriarchy; ableism; sexism; sizeism; sexualities; gender and cis privilege; colonialism; indigenous rights; eco-feminism and environmentalism; anarcha-feminism; animal rights and radical self-care.

This is a conference welcoming academic and non academic presentations alike. Presenters are encouraged to use webcams, and powerpoint visuals
during their presentation, as well as to engage in Q&A after with attendees.

Please submit your abstract proposal with your name, presentation title, a 200-300 word abstract, and location that you currently reside. You are
welcome to include any additional information about yourself and why you would like to participate. Presentations should be maximum 20 minutes long,
with additional time for Q&A.

Email submissions to

Deadline for submission is January 31st, 2014

This event is hosted by Vegan Feminist Network and Animal Liberation Ontario

RSVP : Free (donations)

Neither Man Nor Beast: Patriarchy, Speciesism, & Deconstructing Oppressions

February 23, 2014 – WEB-based conference

newlogoHuman Rights are Animal Rights