Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies – Conference Program

Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies

Conference Program

June 21-23, 2016
University of Alberta

Organized by Chloë Taylor and Kelly S. Montford

For more info on rooms and for updates on the program, check out this site.

Tuesday, June 21

2:00-3:00 p.m. – Refreshments and Registration in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl

3:00-5:00 p.m. – Welcome and Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies Plenary Panel


5:30 p.m. – Dinner at Narayanni’s Restaurant (vegan South Indian buffet), 10131 81 Avenue

Wednesday, June 22

8:00-9:00 a.m. – continental breakfast in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl
9:00-10:00 a.m.: Concurrent Individual Papers

A. ‘Animal Crips’ and Cripping Animal Liberation

Ryan Sweet, “Chickens with Cork Legs and Dogs with Dentures: Representations of Prostheticised Animals in Late Nineteenth-Century Periodicals”

Hannah Monroe, “Neurodiversity and Animal Liberation: Challenging Hegemonic Constructions of Normalcy”

B. Indigenous Epistemologies

Danielle Taschereau Mamers, “Decolonizing the plains: bison life beyond colonial commodification”
Brandon Kerfoot, “Seals that club back: Animal Revenge in Alootook Ipellie’s Arctic Dreams and Nightmares”

C. Critical Engagements with the Work of Temple Grandin

Chair: Lindsay Eales

Vasile Stanescu, “Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, ‘Humane Meat’ and the Intersection of Oppression”

Vittoria Lion, “Disrupting Temple Grandin: Resisting a ‘Humane’ Face for Autistic and Animal Oppression”

D. Settler Colonialism and Animals

Fiona Probyn-Rapsey, ‘Dog whistling: Australian settler colonialism and the dingo’

Presenters: Fiona Probyn-Rapsey and Dinesh Wadiwel (Co-authors: (presenters plus Sue Donaldson, George Ioannides, Tess Lea, Kate Marsh, Astrida Neimanis, Annie Potts, Nik Taylor, Richard Twine, Stuart White), ‘Sydney’s sustainability and campus food justice workshop”

10:15-12:00 – Cripping Critical Animal Studies Plenary Panel

Plenary panel with Stephanie Jenkins, Sunaura Taylor, and A. Marie Houser
moderated by Vittoria Lion

12:00-1:00 – lunch in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl

1:00-2:30 p.m.: Concurrent Individual Papers

A. Gender, Disability, and Animality (Undergraduate Student Panel)

Samuella Jo Johnson, “Institutionalized Space: Dehumanization and the Masking of Violence”

James Harley, “The Trouble with Animal Rights Activism: Emotion Work is Women’s Work”

Dylan Hallingstad O’Brien, “‘We Are Humans!’: Animality as Disability in Yusuke Kishi’s Shinsekai Yori”

B. Settler Colonial Imaginings of Nature and Animals

Ben O’Heran, “Henry David Thoreau, the Unsettled Settler: Exploring Environmentalism as a Means of Usurping Indigenous Place-Thought”

Carina Magazzeni, “The Trouble with Taxidermy: Brad Isaacs and Animalium”

Rebekah Sinclair,”Guest, Pests, or Terrorists?: The Settler-Colonial Intelligibility of ‘Invasive Species”

C. Decolonial Perspectives on Domestication and Diet

Shaila Wadhwani, “Coloniality: Nature and the Bodies of Domestication”

Jason Price, “Decolonizing Desire and Relationships with Animals and Space in The Devil’s Chimney”

Samantha King, “Consuming Animals in Theory and Practice: Conversations with Indigenous and Postcolonial Studies Scholars on the Ethics and Politics of Food”

3:00-4:00 – Seeing Animals: Crip Reflections on the Work of Sunaura Taylor

Plenary Lecture by Alison Kafer
moderated by Emilia Nielsen

4:15-5:30 p.m. Art Exhibition Opening: Works of Sunaura Taylor
FemLab (Feminist Exhibition Space), Assiniboia Hall
curated by Michelle Meagher
Wine and Cashew Cheese Reception

Thursday, June 23

8:00-9:00 a.m. – continental breakfast in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl
9:00-10:30 a.m.: Concurrent Individual Papers

A. Global Perspectives on Interlocking Oppressions

Lisa Warden, “The street dog and the slum dweller: twin victims of urban renewal in modern India”

Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond, “But American Indians Blessed the Animals Before Killing Them: Native Fetishes and Edible Others in Brazil”

Maria Elena Garcia, “Culinary Spectacles: Bodies and Violence in Peru’s Gastronomic Boom”

B. Critical Animal/ Disability Studies

Nancy Halifax and Chelsea Jones, “‘What kind of animal are you?’”

Chelsea Jones and Liz Shek-Noble, “What to Make of Lashawn Chan: An Overview of Critical Disability, Animal, and Post-colonial Studies’ Intersections in Southeast Asia and North America”

C. Philosophical Perspectives on Interlocking Oppressions

Angela Martin, “Affirmative Action for Animals?”

Syl Kocieda, “The spectre of not-quite-humans in the narrative of ‘animality’: Should we be talking about actual animals in animal advocacy?”

Frédéric Côté-Boudreau, “Enabling Autonomy for Animals and People with Cognitive Disabilities”

10:30-11:00 a.m. – refreshment break in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Indigenous Food Politics

Billy-Ray Belcourt, “Reserve Dying and the Taste of Non-Sovereignty”
Margaret Robinson, “All My (Blood) Relations: Indigenous Relationality in Vegan Future”
moderated by Susanne Luhmann

12:00-1:00 p.m. – lunch in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl

1:00 – 2:15 – BOOK PANELS

A. Book panel on Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel’s The War Against Animals (Brill Press, 2015)

Chair: Chloë Taylor

Panelists: Vasile Stanescu and Kelin Emmett

Respondent: Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel

B. Book panel on Claire Jean Kim’s Dangerous Crossings: Race, Species and Nature in a Multicultural Age (Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Panelists: Kelly Struthers Montford and Christiane Bailey

Respondent: Claire Jean Kim

C. Book panel on Sunaura Taylor’s Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation (New Press, 2016)

Chair: Danielle Peers

Panelists: Alexis Shotwell and Joshua St. Pierre

Respondent: Sunaura Taylor

2:30-3:30 – Taxonomies of Power

Plenary lecture by Claire Jean Kim
moderated by Fiona probyn-rapsey

3:30-4:00 p.m. – refreshment break in the Humanities Centre Fishbowl

5:00-8:00 p.m. visit to F.A.R.R.M. (farm sanctuary) and vegan bbq

For more info on rooms and for updates on the program, check out this site.

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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