Students for Critical Animal Studies – SCAS 2015

3rd Annual International Students for Critical Animal Studies Conference

Vasar College, New York
November 20 to 22, 2015

Call for Papers Deadline: Sept 1, 2015

Students for Critical Animal Studies


Conference will be livestreamed.


Submit your title and abstract (150 to 200 words) with a biography one paragraph 80 to 100 words third person

Send to:

Deadline: Sept 1, 2015


For more information contact:
Skype: studentsforcas
Twitter: @_SCAS_


SCAS does not pay speakers to present, nor do we have professors present. SCAS also does not have keynote or plenary presentations. SCAS finally will only accept papers that promote radical critical intersectional presentations that foster total liberation from an academic-activist perspective. We encourage marginalized voices and perspectives. We accept only presentations from students. Presentations can be Skyped in as well. The rooms will be accessible and with technology (projectors, microphones, internet, and computer).


There will be a Roundtable Discussion on SCAS organizing and future and goals open to all as well as activism workshops


Off Campus Sponsors:

Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Save the Kids
Academy for Peace Education
Outdoor Empowerment
Arissa Media Group

Safer Space Policy: The conference promotes a safer space in which all must feel welcome, supported, and secure. No one should endorse or tolerate racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQIA sentiments, ableism, speciesism, or any other kind of oppressive behavior. In kind, this conference is a vegan space, and all should refrain from consuming or wearing animal products while taking part.

Sober Space Policy: We encourage a sober space as well, so please do not drink, shoot, or inhale intoxicants into your body closely before or while in attendance at the conference.

Inclusive Space Policy: All rooms and bathrooms are accessible. Please avoid wearing fragrances or strong scents, as the odors may cause allergic reactions. If you have any requests for assistance such as a translator, note taker, medication, childcare, or physical accessibility, please let us know by e-mailing (We understand this conference is not fully inclusive because of cost, but we do want to address these issues as they are needed to confront ableism).

Published by


Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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