Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)
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3 thoughts on “Critical Animal Studies”
the link to the call for papers for the 2016 ICAS conference doesn’t work. i have written to several different ICAS people about this, plus posted on the ICAS FB page, but no reply 🙁
the link to the call for papers for the 2016 ICAS conference doesn’t work. i have written to several different ICAS people about this, plus posted on the ICAS FB page, but no reply 🙁
I just learned that the conference will still happen, but it will not be associated with ICAS. Here is the new page for info :
I hope to see you there !
I will not be able to attend, but others might be interested in a new article I have just published in Disability & Society on ableism in animal rights spaces: