Call for papers Humanimalia : Animals and Race

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS from the journal Humanimaliahumanimalia

Humanimalia invites submissions for a special issue on the theme of Animals and Race.

Possible topics include:
• Race and animal activism;
• Race, animals, and the law (dog fighting, puppy prison programs, etc.);
• Race, animal rights, and welfare organizations (racial makeup of organizations, etc.);
• Race and food production (black religious traditions of veganism, slaughterhouses and race, etc.);
• Race, nationality, and animal rights (e.g., The Cove: Faroe Islands versus Taiji, Japan; the “barbaric sadism” of the other; the Barceloneta pet massacre in Puerto Rico, etc.);
• Narratives of race and animality;
• Parallels in analyzing structures of oppression (problems of analogies to slavery and Holocaust, etc.);
• Race, masculinity, violence, and animals;
• Representations of race and animals in the arts.

Humanimalia is a refereed and selective online international, interdisciplinary journal on human-animal relations and interactions, with a wide range of perspectives that include the study of material animals and their discursive representations. We seek papers that combine approaches, or at the very least draw upon research in other disciplines to contextualize their arguments. Our title aims to signify the many ways that humans and animals are connected: as the experience of animals is shaped by human constructions of them, so is our experience of humanity shaped by non-human animals’ constructions of us. As well, we hope to inspire approaches that recognize that our reflection about animals depends not only on discursive practices, but on observation, co-operation, openness, and compassion with actual beings.

For guidelines on submissions and editorial protocols, please consult Humanimalia’s Statement of Procedures at

Proposals longer than 500 words should be sent to Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Managing Editor, at

Please include the following information on the proposal itself: Your full name, your preferred mailing address, your email address, your preferred telephone number.

Deadline for submission September 1, 2014.

Published by


Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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