Workshop on Donaldson & Kymlicka Zoopolis (Victoria, June 4-5, 2013)

Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA)
Association Canadienne de Sciences Politiques (ACSP)

« Political Theory »

Workshop on Will Kymlicka and Sue Donaldson’s Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights (OUP, 2011)

June 4th 9:00-12:00 :
Christiane Bailey (U. de Montréal), Zoopolis: A Political Deconstruction of Animal Rights Theories
Laura Janara (UBC), Situating Zoopolis
Clare Palmer (Texas A&M), Contextualist Animal Ethics : A Commentary on Zoopolis
Dinesh Wadiwel (Sydney), Zoopolis: Challenging our Conceptualisation of Political Sovereignty Through Animal Sovereignties
Response by Sue Donaldson & Will Kymlicka

June 4th 13:30-15:30 :
Paul Hamilton (Brock University), Steps Towards Zoopolis? A Comparative Analysis of Recent Constitutional and Legislative Changed to the Status of Animals
Dan Hooley (Toronto), Justice for All : Recognizing Other Animals as Members of Our Political Communities
Emma Planinc (Toronto), The Freedom of Equals and Unequals Alike? Animals as Citizens in the Democratic Zoopolis
Geoffrey Sigalet (Princeton University), Francis Bacon and the Democratic Telos of Animals

June 4th 15:15-16:45
Caleb Basnett (York), Other Political Animals : Aristotle and the Limits of Political Community
Kate Daley (York), Beyond Other Animals : Haraway’s When Species Meet and Privilege within Feminism(s)
John Sanbonmatsu (Worcesthesire Polytechnic Institute), Speciesism as the Ur-Modality of Herrenvolk Politik, or, Can Nonhuman Animals be Slaves?

June 5th 10:30-12:00 :
Stefan Dolgert (Brock), Democratic Rats? Michel Serres, Karni Mata, and the Animal Research Complexité
Laura Janara (UBC), Tracing the Legitimation of Animal Use in Canadian Universities
Dinesh Wadiwel (Sydney), The Universal Cannibalism of the Sea : Comparing Locke and Derrida’s accounts on Dominion, Property and Sovereignty of Animals.

More info : 

June 5th and 6th, the EPTC/TCEP (which also hold its annual meeting in Victoria), will have 4 panels on animals:

Panels on Animals June 5 and 6 (more detail below):

June 5th 9:00-11:30 : Panel « Phenomenological Approaches to Animal Otherness »
Brett Buchanan (Laurentian University) Being Towards Extinction (details)
Don Beith (McGill University), Merleau-Ponty’s Animate Epistemology: Learning to Perceive (as) Animals

June 5th 14:00-16:30 : Panel « Animals: Rights, Veganism and Justice »
Valéry Giroux (Universite de Montreal), An Antispeciest Approach to Fundamental Rights
Sue Donaldson (co-author with Will Kymlicka of Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights, OUP, 2011), Unruly Beasts: Humans and Animals Sharing the Demos

June 6th 9:00-12:30 : Panel « Veganarchism and Paleoethics: Equality beyond Species »
Cynthia Willet (Emory University) Interspecies Living (a serious ethics with a comic twist).
Dinesh Wadiwel (University of Sidney), Resisting the War Against Animals: Counter-Conduct and Truce
John Sanbonmatsu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Critical Theory and Animal Liberation (Rowman & Littlefield, 2011)

June 6th 14:00-17:30 : « Book Panel on Gary Steiner’s Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism (CUP, 2013) »
Patrick Llored (Université de Lyon) author of Jacques Derrida, Politique et éthique de l’animalité (Sils Maria, 2013)
Chloë Taylor (Université d’Alberta), « Foucault and the Ethics of Eating » (Foucault Studies, 2010)
Jan Dutkiewicz (PhD candidate in the Department of Politics at the New School for Social Research)
Gary Steiner (Bucknell University), Animals and the Moral Community (CUP, 2008), Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents: The Moral Status of Animals in the History of Western Philosophy (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005)

Download the program for animal panels (PDF)

Complete program of the EPTC

More info :

Télécharger en PDF


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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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