CFP: SLOTH. A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies

Sloth-  Animals and Society Journal









Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies

The ASI has created this journal for undergraduate students and recent graduate students to publish their papers, book and film reviews, and other work.

Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. Sloth showcases the important and innovative contributions of undergraduates, giving those who are interested in human/non-human animal relationships a way to contribute to and engage with the field, as well as an opportunity to build their skills, knowledge, and resumes in anticipation of their graduate school careers.

Sloth is a refereed and selective journal. All articles submitted to Sloth pass through a four-stage peer review and revision process: (1) the article is initially reviewed by either the humanities or social science editor of Sloth; (2) if it is judged to be potentially publishable, then the article is sent to two reviewers; (3) if the outside reviews are positive, the student author will be asked to revise the article for publication; (4) the article will go through a final copy editing stage, if needed.

Sloth takes its name from arboreal animals native to Central and South America known for their relatively slow, careful movements. Because of their unhurried nature, sloths are often stereotyped as dull-witted, sluggish, and lazy; the animal was named, in fact, after one of the seven deadly sins. Yet the deliberate movements of sloths are a beneficial adaptation, making them very successful animals in the rainforest environment. By conserving energy, sloths have survived while other animals have gone extinct. A salute to these and other misunderstood creatures, Sloth encourages our contributors to think and write purposefully about the animals-individuals and species-with whom we share this planet and to engage critically and creatively with more-than-human ways of being in the world.

“Sloths have no right to be living on this earth, but they would be fitting inhabitants of Mars, whose year is over six hundred days long.” William Beebe (1926)

Kelly Enright, Assistant Professor of History, Director of Public History, Flagler College
Kara Kendall-Morwick, Assistant Professor of English, Washburn University

Advisory Council:
Margo DeMello, Human Animal Studies Program Director, Animals and Society Institute
Eric Greene, Founder, Family Spirals; Principal, EverGreene Consulting
Cheryl Joseph, Professor of Sociology, Notre Dame de Namur University
Christina Risley Curtiss, Associate Professor of Social Work, Arizona State University
Ken Shapiro, Founder and Editor, Society & Animals, President, Animals and Society Institute
Nik Taylor, Associate Professor in Sociology, Flinders University

Associate Editors:
Stephan Blatti, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Memphis
Alaistair Hunt, Assistant Professor of English, Portland State University
Eliza Ruiz Izaguirre, Veterinarian and Recent PhD, Waginingen University
Tom Tyler, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy and Culture Oxford Brookes University

Submission and Formatting Instructions:

When submitting an article to Sloth, please format it according to the following guidelines:

  1. PC-compatible files only (MS Word);
  2. Required length: 3-5,000 words;
  3. On a separate page/post, include your name and your postal and e-mail addresses, the college or university where you are a student and your year, the title of your essay, and a brief abstract of its contents (3-5 sentences);
  4. For the text itself: margins at 1″, double spaced, font size 12 pt. or smaller;
  5. Use Chicago Style (author-date) for all documentation;
  6. Include Notes and Works Cited at the end as regular text. In other words, please do NOT use the “automatic” footnote/endnote function on your word processor to generate these. They sometimes tend to disappear when traveling through cyberspace or when the document is converted.
  7. Include a one-page CV or resume with your submission.

Submissions should be sent to

Deadline for first submissions: October 2014
First issue to be available: Winter 2014

Questions can be directed to Kelly Enright or Kara Kendall-Morwick

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