Animals: ethics, sustainability, sentience
25 October, 2014: Ormskirk, Edge Hill University, UK
UK Centre for Human Animal Studies Conference
Centre for Human Animal Studies Conference and Launch
Keynote speakers:
Professor Elisa Aaltola (University of Eastern Finland; University of Turku)
Professor Jonathan Balcombe (Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy)
Dr Richard Twine (Institute of Education, University of London; CfHAS)
Full program:
The Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) will be holding its inaugural conference on Saturday 25th October 2014 at Edge Hill University. The conference will also mark the official launch of CfHAS, the first centre of its kind in the UK. Reflecting the expansion and intellectual vibrancy in the fields of animal studies, Critical Animal Studies, human-animal studies, and the science of animal emotion and cognition, this conference will have three broad but intersecting thematic strands: ethics, sustainability and sentience.
The aim of the conference and for CfHAS is to examine how rethinking our relations with animals can create meaningful social, policy, environmental, ethical and cultural change. To this end, we welcome papers from those working in the arts and humanities, social sciences and natural sciences that address one or more of the conference themes.
Contact: Claire Molloy at:
24th October 2014: pre-conference event
17.00 – 18.30
Launch of Growl with reading and Q&A with author, Kim Stallwood.
25th October 2014
10.00 – 10.45
Keynote: Professor Jonathan Balcombe (Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy)
10.45 – 12.15
Panel 1: Questions of agency
Vasile Stănescu: “Happy Meals” and the Myth of Consent
Jasmijn de Boo: ‘The moral implications of the #MonkeySelfie’
Andrew J P Flack: ‘Pacing Bears and Gorilla Friends: Accessing the “Agency” of Animals Past’
Richie Nimmo: ‘Apiculture in the Anthropocene: Between Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies’
10.45 – 12.15
Panel 2: Cultural representations
Tobias Linné: ‘Gals, caring mothers: Gendered representations of cows in the dairy industry’ Amelie Björck: ‘The body-productivity-temporality complex in Swedish literature’
Matthew Cole & Kate Stewart: ‘’I need fish fingers and custard’: The irruption and suppression of vegan ethics in Doctor Who’
Ann-Sofie Lönngren: HumAnimal transformations in Nordic literature
12.15 – 13.15
Lunch & launch of Our Children and Other Animals: The Cultural Construction of Human
Keynote: Professor Elisa Aaltola (University of Eastern Finland;University of Turku)
Panel 3: Welfare, rights and protection
Jose Parry: ‘Animal protection and globalisation’
Katherine Wayne, Kurtis Boyer & Guy Scotton: Beyond complicity and denial: moral repair for humans and animals
Bel Deering: ‘“Cats know your feelings, but gulls just don’t care”: young people making sense of sentience and the human-animal relationship’
Corey Wrenn: ‘The medicalization of nonhuman animal rights: frame contestation and the exploitation of ability status’
14.00 – 15.30
Panel 4: Human-animal relationships
Ruth Butler: ‘Me, my dog and guide dogs: the impact of identity on guide dog owners successful negotiation of public space’
Tom Fletcher & Louise Platt: ‘Who’s walking who? The everyday dog walking experience’
Julie Walsh: ‘A canine call for harmony: The benefits of centralized policy for dogs’
Juliet MacDonald: ‘Running the maze: animal sentience as a variable in the psychology of early maze experiments’
Panel 5: Education and consciousness-raising
Karin Gunnarsson Dinker & Helena Pedersen: ‘Critical Animal Pedagogies: Re-learning our relations with Animal Others through
the unthinking of “the Human”’
Diahann Gallard: ‘Educational Anthrozoology in early childhood: An issue of ethics’
Susan Richardson: ‘Let my words be bright with animals: poetry as a tool for consciousness-raising and engendering behaviour change’
15.50– 17.30
Panel 6: Ethics
Patrizia Setola: ‘Marcheseni’s posthumaist philosophy’
Anette Kristensson: ‘The French philosopher Jacques Derrida’s neologism “carnophallogocentrism” could be a key concept in human-animal studies, animal studies and critical animal studies’
Justyna Wlodarczyk : ‘From submission to Self- Control: The ethical turn in dog training on the example of the sport of canine obedience
in Poland’
Rachel Jekanowski :‘Absent animals and digital oil: Animal capital, agency and ethic s in Fort McMoney’
17.30 – 18.15
Keynote: Dr Richard Twine