Post-Doc in Animal Ethics and Politics



The Department of Philosophy at Queen’s University announces the new Abby Benjamin Postdoctoral Fellowship in Animal Studies.  This is a one-year non-renewable 12-month fellowship. The successful applicant will have a demonstrated expertise in animal ethics, law and public policy, show evidence of teaching potential, and be able to participate constructively in departmental and collegial activities. While we interpret animal ethics, law and public policy broadly, and welcome applications from various disciplines that study human-animal relations including political science, law, philosophy, sociology and environmental studies, we are looking in particular for research that critically examines  the moral, legal and political dimensions of how human-animal relations are governed. A recipient of the Fellowship is expected to reside in Kingston, to be actively involved in the day-to-day life of the Department, to teach a University course in animal studies, and to collaborate in developing initiatives related to the promotion of the analysis and understanding of animal rights (such as workshops, conferences, public lectures, etc.)  The Fellow will work under the supervision of Prof. Will Kymlicka.

The 2013-14 fellowship will start on July 1, 2013. Applicants must have submitted their doctoral dissertation by that date, and must be within five years of having received their doctorate.

The salary for the postdoctoral fellowship will be $40,000, which includes remuneration for teaching a half-course in animal ethics or a cognate subject.

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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