2013 Meeting International Association for Environmental Philosophy

CALL FOR PAPERS – 17th Meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy
IAEP (2)
October 26 – 28, 2013
Hilton Eugene and Conference Center
Eugene, OR, USA

Ce congrès se tient en même temps que celui de la SPEP et de l’association “Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences” (PhenCoG).

Deadline: March 8, 2013
Notice of decision: first week of June

Please send a single-spaced proposal (500-600 words) PLUS abstract (75-100 words) in Word format to IAEP Secretary, Steven Vogel, at vogel@denison.edu.

Since the selection process is through blind review, proposals should include three attachments:

  1. A cover letter that provides detailed contact information (including physical and electronic addresses & academic affiliation) of the author(s) AND indicates the need for audio/visual equipment, if any.
  2. In a separate document, the abstract, without any identifying information as to the author(s).
  3. In a separate document, the proposal, without any identifying information as to the author(s).

Panel proposals should include an abstract for the panel as a whole (350-500 words) plus cover letter, proposal and abstract for each paper as described above. Each paper proposal will be judged on its own merit.

Each author may submit only 1 proposal for consideration (by IAEP or one of its satellite groups) each year.  Papers previously published or under review for publication will not be accepted. Inclusion on the program is contingent on becoming a dues paying member of IAEP after receiving notification of acceptance.

$100 Prize for Best Graduate Student Essay
Graduate Students: please indicate in your cover letter if you wish to be considered for this prize.  If your proposal is accepted you will be asked to submit a complete paper (3000 words maximum, excluding notes) by September 15. The winner will be announced during the conference.

IAEP offers a forum for the philosophical discussion of our relation to the natural environment.  Embracing a broad understanding of environmental philosophy, IAEP encourages papers in the areas of environmental ethics, environmental aesthetics, ontology, theology, philosophy of science, political philosophy, ecofeminism, philosophy of technology, and the like.  IAEP welcomes a diversity of approaches, including those inspired by Continental philosophy, the history of philosophy, and the tradition of American philosophy.

For more information contact executive co-directors

Published by


Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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