Nous avons la chance de recevoir Babette Babich à l’Université de Montréal lundi le 29 juin 2015.
« Un politique brisé: Autour de la guerre et de la Lettre sur l’humanisme de Heidegger »
Babette Babich (Fordham University, New York)
Université de Montréal, 2910 Édouard-Monpetit, Local 427 (heure à confirmer)
Conférence le 29 juin 2015
organisée par Bettina Bergo (professeure titulaire)
Université de Montréal
Département de philosophie, Salle 427
Rédactrice en chef des New Nietzsche Studies (16 numéros thématiques depuis 1996), Babette Babich a publié en histoire de la philosophie, de la science et de la technologie ainsi que sur les grecs anciens et la philosophie des médias.
Elle a également publié de nombreux ouvrages sur la philosophie antique, l’esthétique, la théorie critique, l’herméneutique ainsi que sur la philosophie féministe. Elle a réfléchi sur les questions rattachées à la voix des animaux, leurs droits éthiques et le fait d’être une « personne ».
Livres :
- The Hallelujah Effect. Philosophical Reflections on Music, Performance Practice and Technology. Surrey: Ashgate, 2013. Ce livre porte sur la musique populaire, se concentrant en particulier sur l’interprétation du ‘Hallelujah’ (Leonard Cohen) par k d lang, et sur la musique de l’antiquité et de Beethoven dans La naissance de la tragédie (Nietzsche).

Nietzsches Wissenschaftsphilosophie. »Die Wissenschaft unter der Optik des Künstlers zu sehn, die Kunst aber unter der des Lebens«. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010.
Words in Blood, Like Flowers: Philosophy and Poetry, Music and Eros in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006.
Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Science: Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life. State University of New York Press. Albany. 1994.
“Eines Gottes Glück voller Macht und Liebe.” Beiträge zu Nietzsche, Hölderlin, Heidegger. Weimar: Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2009.
Babich est également directrice ou co-directrice de huit recueils, ses plus récents collectifs comprennent :
The Multi-dimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology (Francfort, 2014), traitant de l’herméneutique des sciences naturelles, de l’esthétique et de la théologie.
Heidegger und Nietzsche, Rodopi, 2012.
Nietzsche, Habermas, and Critical Theory. Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2004.

Nietzsche, Theories of Knowledge and Critical Theory: Nietzsche and the Sciences I et Nietzsche, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Nietzsche and the Sciences II (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Tome 204, Kluwer, 1999).
Elle publiera sous peu Hermeneutic Philosophies of the Social Sciences (Amsterdam, 2015) ainsi qu’un ouvrage sur la question du goût chez Hume.
Babette Babich prépare actuellement deux monographies: Nietzsche’s Critical Theory et Nietzsche und die Antike et Heidegger’s Danger, Heidegger’s Technique.
Je me permets de partage une entrée de son blog du 5 août 2014:
Increasing Attention Paid to Animal Suffering — With No Effect
By Babette Babich
Painful images of what we do to animals,
so painful that most of us
cannot bear to look
(which means we turn away):
It is hard to imagine that this can be stopped.
It is, after all, done by scientists,
highly educated individuals,
all of it with a good conscience,
who regard themselves,
and whom most of us
would likewise regard,
as being
among the most cultured
and intelligent human beings,
but if these men and these women
designed this, if they do this to animals
as they do
if these scientists
teach their students to do
this and train professional technicians to do
such things
(all in the name of science),
if they sanction this,
how on earth can
one imagine that we
(who is the we here?)
can influence anyone
(who is this anyone?
someone? who is that we hope can be
Who are these beings and where do we
suppose that they have gotten
the power to enforce anything like
that which would be needed
to effect the kind
of change we might wish
at all the levels, anywhere, everywhere:
the kind of change that would be
the kind of change that is needed.
One of the primary places for
this torture,
its perpetration,
is the
university itself, science itself.
Science 101
and worse yet science at the PhD level of
brain science, and every other kind
of science in between
all the way to the most
extreme and violent kinds.
In medicine,
in the pharmaceutical industry,
in the food and nutrition industry,
in the industries that provide clothing,
shoes, luggage, etc., and oh glue too and
then there are the bows used in string
orchestras, and so on all in unexpected
places (in the scent you wear, that is your
perfume, your cologne), and most
dissonantly, perhaps, in veterinary science,
in what it takes to train a vet, in what it takes
to prepare supplies for your pet — if your pet
needs blood during even a routine operation
where do you think that blood comes from?
And so on.
If these scientists and other
rational people
will not listen to reason,
because they already know
they are in the right,
and that they have the right,
then who will?
It is not enough to change your life.
We, all of us, need to change the inhumanity
of all of humankind.
We need to change the world.
(Babette Babich)
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