Nicolas Smith – Rethinking Intentionality From the Skin Outwards




Conférence de Nicholas Smith (Senior Lecturer, Södertörn University, Stockholm)

“Rethinking Intentionality From the Skin Outwards”
(Repenser l’intentionnalité à partir de la peau)

Quand : Lundi 14 novembre de 16h30 à 19h30
Lieu : Université de Montréal, Stone Castle, 2910 Édouard-Montpetit (local 422).
Gratuit et ouvert au public.
Note : La conférence sera donnée en anglais.

“Rethinking Intentionality From the Skin Outwards”

When : Monday, November 14, 2016, at 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Where : Université de Montréal, Stone Castle, 2910 Édouard-Montpetit (Room 422).
Free and open to all
Conference will be in English

Nicholas Smith is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy (Södertörn University, Stockholm). He has done research at the Husserl-Archives, Leuven and taught at PUC in Rio de Janeiro. He has lectured in many parts of the world including Europe, South America, USA, Japan and China.

Smith is project manager for the research project Decolonizing Phenomenologies (2016-2018) with Professor Madina Tlostanova (Department of Gender, Linköping University).

Smith also participated in the research project Perceptions of the Other: Aesthetics, Ethics and Prejudice to investigate the proto-ethics of perception from the point of view of transcendental aesthetics (Levinas, Husserl), psychoanalysis (Kristeva, Lacan), feminist philosophy (Young, Butler, Alcoff) and postcolonial thinking (Césaire, Fanon, Gordon, Ahmed). Info:

His most recent book is Towards a Phenomenology of Repression – A Husserlian Reply to the Freudian Challenge (Stockholm 2010).

One of his recent workshops includes Ethics, Ignorance, and the Physiology of White Racism. This workshop focuses on the epistemology of ignorance in the context of race and white racism. Engaging the work of Charles Mills, we will examine how white ignorance is not merely or even primarily a cognitive dysfunction. It also operates physiologically, in the fibers, chemicals, and functions of human bodies. Focusing on the stomach and especially the heart, we will discuss how racial privilege can help structure white bodies not just phenomenologically, but also biologically. As part of this discussion, we will challenge dualisms between the social and the biology and critical philosophy of race’s reluctance to productively (vs. merely critically) engage the biological and medical sciences. The upshot of the workshop is to examine how critical philosophy of race should also be a critical physiology of race.


To learn more about Nicolas Smith, visit his webpage.

Cette conférence aura lieu dans le séminaire de Bettina Bergo (Professeure titulaire, Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal).

Pour plus d’info :
Bettina Bergo
Professeure titulaire
Département de philosophie
Université de Montréal
Tel. 514 343 6111, ext. 39892




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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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