Date limite January 23, 2012
Appel de communications
Under Western Skies 2: Environment, Community, and Culture in North America
Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Du 10 au 13 octobre 2012
Désirant poursuivre les échanges passionnants du colloque Under Western Skies: Climate, Culture, and Change in Western North America qui s’est tenu en octobre 2010, nous lançons un appel de communications en vue de la 2e édition de cet événement: Under Western Skies 2.
Nous invitons donc les universitaires de toutes les disciplines, ainsi que les représentants des communautés artistiques et environnementales, des organisations à buts lucratifs et non-lucratifs et des organismes gouvernementaux et non-gouvernementaux, à soumettre des propositions de communications sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les actants humains et non-humains de toute l’Amérique du nord.
Nous pouvons d’ors et déjà annoncer la participation des conférenciers suivants: l’historien du mouvement environnementaliste Donald
Worster (Université du Kansas), le cinéaste et anthropologue spécialiste de l’Arctique Niobe Thompson (Clearwater Media, Edmonton), et la poétesse canadienne aux nombreuses récompenses Louise Halfe (Saskatoon).
Élargissant les limites géographiques du 1er colloque, UWS 2 continuera d’explorer les diverses facettes des recherches
effectuées dans le domaine de l’environnement (humanités, littérature, sciences humaines et naturelles, études nord-américaines et droit). Nous encourageons également toutes les soumissions de projets artistiques, créatifs et non-académiques.
Under Western Skies is Mount Royal University’s award-winning biennial conference series on the environment.
With the inaugural UWS conference in October 2010, Mount Royal
has taken a lead role in interdisciplinary and community-minded
environmental studies in Alberta, establishing a high-profile venue
where scholars, artists, students, and concerned citizens from around
the world can gather on a regular basis to share ideas concerning all
aspects of the environment.
Under Western Skies 2: Environment, Community, and Culture in North America will take place October 10 – 13, 2012 in the university’s LEED certified Roderick Mah Centre for Continuous Learning.
Confirmed keynotes include
Scott Denning (Climatology, Colorado State University)
Louise B. Halfe (award-winning Canadian poet)
Alanna Mitchell (author Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis)
Gary Paul Nabhan (Ethnobotany, University of Arizona)
Niobe Thompson (co-director Tipping Point: The Age of the Oilsands)
Donald Worster (Environmental History, University of Kansas)
Sujets de communications possibles (liste non-exhaustive):
Pétrole et culture, pétro-culture
Climat et culture, culture du climat
Agriculture, nourriture et santé alimentaire
Marché de la viande et enjeux politiques
Semencesnaturelles et semences brevetées
Droits relatifs à l’utilisation de l’eau
Collaborations entre communautés scientifiques et non-scientifiques
La technologie en tant que construction sociale
Technologie environnementales
Économies environnementales
Biodiversité urbaine
Invasions «sauvages» dans les villes nord-américaines (ex.: Detroit)
Énergies vertes
Communautés: résilience et solidarité
Animaux sauvages et animalité
Action directe et activisme
Restauration/assainissement/reconversion de territoires
Nature ou écologie?
Les jeunes et l’activisme
Discours communautaires
Notions de lieu et d’appartenance
Bio-régions nord-américaines
Frontières et questions transnationales
Droits de la nature
Sciences et disciplines de l’environnement
Droit et politique en Amérique du nord
Perspectives historiques
Manifestes environnementaux, racisme et justice
Nouveaux modèles météorologiques en Amérique du nord
Après le colloque UWS 2, une sélection de communications sera regroupée pour publication sous la forme d’un recueil ou de numéro spécial d’une revue. (L’anthologie des communications du colloque UWS 2010 est en cours de publication aux Presses de l’université Wilfrid Laurier.)
Les soumissions de communication ne devraient pas dépasser 250 mots, et elles doivent être envoyées en pièce jointe (format .doc ou .docx).
Des propositions de lectures, de tables rondes ou d’ateliers seront aussi acceptées.
Veuillez envoyer vos propositions de communication aux professeurs Robert
Boschman ou Mario Trono:,
N’oubliez pas de consulter les mises à jours qui seront faites régulièrement sur le site Internet du colloque: <>.
Date limite des soumissions: 23 janvier 2012
CALL FOR PAPERS – Under Western Skies 2 – Keynote Speakers Added
Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
October 10-13, 2012
Closing Date: Monday, January 23, 2012
Building on the success of Under Western Skies: Climate, Culture, and Change in Western North America in October 2010, Under Western Skies 2 welcomes academics from across the disciplines as well as members of artistic and activist communities, non- and for-profit organizations, government, labour, and NGOs to address the environmental challenges faced by human and nonhuman actors across North
UWS 2 will take place on Mount Royal University campus in the LEED Goldcertified Roderick Mah Centre for Continuous Learning.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Just Added: Environmental journalist Alanna Mitchell (Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis)
- Just Added: Ethnobotanist Gary Paul Nabhan (University of Arizona).
- environmental historian Donald Worster (University of Kansas; author of Under Western Skies [OUP, 1982]);
- 2011 Gemini Award-winning filmmaker and Arctic anthropologist Niobe
- Thompson (Clearwater Media, Edmonton, AB; co-director Tipping Point: The Age of the Oilsands award-winning Canadian poet Skydancer Louise Halfe (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan);
- climatologist Scott Denning (Colorado State University).
With its mandate for both interdisciplinarity and community outreach, UWS 2 broadens the geographical scope of the inaugural conference but retains its wide call for contributions from all environmental fields of inquiry and endeavor, including the humanities, natural and social sciences, North American studies, public policy, business, and law. Artistic, creative, and non-academic proposals are also welcome.
Possible directions may include, but are not limited to
- agriculture, food, and food security
- alpine and glacial change
- animal rights and commodification
- automobility/transportation/infrastructure
- borders and transnational issues
- climate shock
- collaboration between scientific and non-scientific communities
- continental “perimeter security”
- direct action and activism
- ecology or nature?
- “ecoterrorism”
- environmental catastrophe and community
- environmental devastation as neo-colonialism
- environmental economies
- environmental humanities
- environmental racism and justice
- environmental technologies
- feedlots and runoff
- forests and forestry
- fracking
- the Great Lakes
- historical perspectives
- human and nonhuman migration
- indigenous environmental kinship
- indigenous land, air, and water rights
- indigenous worldviews and sovereignties
- interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
- invasive species
- the Keystone Pipeline andcontinental integration
- law and public policy in North America
- literary, filmic, and new media representations
- marine ecosystems
- national and regional parks
- new continental weather patterns
- North American bioregions
- North American nuclear culture and power after Fukushima
- North American studies
- oil culture
- the politics of meat
- resilient communities and solidarity
- restoration, reclamation, reparation
- the rights of nature
- seeds and seed patents
- senses of place
- technology as social construction
- tourism and amenity migration
- urban biodiversity
- water rights, watersheds, and river systems
- the “wilding” of North American cities like Detroit
- wildlife and animality
- women’s, gender and/or sexuality studies
- youth, education, and activism
A selection of papers will go forward for an edited book publication or special journal issue following UWS 2. (The collection of edited papers stemming from UWS 2010 is forthcoming from Wilfrid Laurier University Press as a part of its Environmental Humanities Series.)