Workshop on Food Justice : CFP

Workshop on Food Justice

Call for Proposals

May 13th and 14th, 2016

Michigan State University

Food justice is a growing movement that has inspired both on-the-ground community projects and theoretical articulations across multiple disciplines. This workshop aims to facilitate scholars and practitioners coming together to share expertise around the challenges and opportunities in food justice. The two-day conference will include scholarly talks and visits to local environmental justice projects. Papers should be accessible to a public audience.

We invite proposals on the justice of practices such as:

  • Food security and food sovereignty
  • Local food, slow food, or other food-related social movements
  • International trade and regulation
  • Agricultural ecology and sustainability
  • Labor at all points in the food system
  • Non-human animals in agriculture
  • Food, diet, or cooking
  • Intersectional perspectives on food systems
  • Agricultural policy and food standards
  • Seeds and genetically modified foods

The workshop is intended as a transdisciplinary space to forge connections between theories and between theory and practice. Papers in disciplines such as anthropology, critical race studies, disability studies, indigenous studies, economics, gender and sexuality studies, geography, history, literary criticism, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, and the human dimensions of agricultural and environmental sciences are all encouraged. Particularly welcome are talks which bridge theory and practice.

250-word abstracts for individual papers or 500-word panel proposals, are due by March 4th, 2016. Please submit proposals through the workshop webpage at and direct any questions to

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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