Unruly Creatures I and II – Animal Conference at the London Graduate School

Le Blogue “Critical Animal” de James Stanescu (http://criticalanimal.blogspot.ca) m’a fait découvrir les enregistrements de Unruly Creatures sur Backdoor Broadcasting

Unruly Creatures I: The Art and Politics of the Animal. June 14th, 2011. Hosted by The London Graduate School.

Participants include: Cary Wolfe, Vinciane Despret, Steven Baker, and Phillip Warnell (there are also important respondents and introductions).

Unruly Creatures II: Creative Revolutions. June 18th, 2012. Hosted by The London Graduate School.

Participants include: André Dias, Erica Fudge, Jonathan Burt, and Anat Pick (and again, there are also important respondents and introductions.

 Unruly Creatures

The London Graduate School is holding a one-day conference at the Natural History Museum on June 14 2011 entitled ‘Unruly Creatures: The Art and Politics of the Animal’. Its purpose is to analyse and discuss the numerous ways in which animals have been used in contemporary art and the humanities, the political and philosophical implications of this use, and, especially, the manner in which animals have also resisted such employment. With examples taken from philosophy, fine art, and recent films by Phillip Warnell and Vinciane Despret, we will examine whether there is an art, politics, and thinking that is peculiarly ‘animal’.


Welcome by Professor Phil Rainbow (Acting Director of Science, NHM).



Introduction to the conference by Professor John Mullarkey (Kingston)


Cary Wolfe (Rice University) – Biopolitics, Biopower, and the (Non-Human) Animal Body

Respondent: Wahida Khandker (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Vinciane Despret (l’Université de Liège/l’Université Libre de Bruxelles) –
Experimenting with Politics and Happiness — through Sheep, Cows and Pigs

Respondent: Katerina Kolozova (Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Macedonia)

Steve Baker (University of Central Lancashire) – Dislocations in Contemporary Animal Art
(AUDIO HERE) This entry is restricted. For access please email Professor John Mullarkey

Respondent: Robert McKay (University of Sheffield) (AUDIO HERE)

Phillip Warnell (Kingston University) – Projections of Animality (AUDIO HERE)

Respondent: Stella Baraklianou (University of Portsmouth) (AUDIO HER)

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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