The Ethics of Animal Experimentation – Call for chapters ICAS

The Ethics of Animal experimentation: Working towards a change paradigm change

Institute for Critical Animal Studies

Call for Book Chapter Contributions
The Ethics of Animal experimentation: Working towards a change paradigm change
Editors: Kathrin Herrmann and Kimberley Jayne

Deadline for abstract: January 31st 2016

Even though nonhuman animals are used for a variety of different purposes, their use in research particularly has remained an ethical challenge. It is evident that nonhuman animals in laboratories are exposed to a great deal of physical and psychological suffering, and that the use of animals in research is growing internationally.

Arguably, legal reforms around the world have insufficiently improved the protection of nonhuman animals. However, Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in the European Union is radical compared to other legislation. The Directive promotes a change of paradigm in nonhuman animal experimentation in establishing a goal of the full replacement of the use of live animals in research and education as soon as it is scientifically feasible (Recital 10).

Building on the radical vision of Directive 2010/63/EU, this book aims to illustrate the current situation for nonhuman animals used in science and aims to give a future outlook to the end of their use in research. Besides exploring the current ethical challenges and scientific controversies related to animal experimentation, this Volume aims to discuss ways to work towards a fundamental change of paradigm. We invite contributions from interdisciplinary scholars who share a vision for how this abolition of animal research can be achieved. The goal is to find solutions for this urging problem that are led by a culture of compassion for all animals.

List of recommended topics (but not limited to):
• The legal framework: history, present and future prospects for an end of nonhuman animal use in science
• The culture of language around the use of animals in research
• The efficacy of the ‘Culture of Care’ incl. Refinement
• Methods for assessing the quality of animal research (e.g. ARRIVE guidelines)
• The politics of nonhuman animal experimentation
• Transparency that benefits animals versus transparency that appeases the public and inhibits potential scrutiny and outrage (e.g. UK Concordat)
• The capabilities and boundaries of public engagement
• The psychological and social implications for animal research staff
• The consequences of education and training using animals
• The 3Rs – what is in it for the nonhuman nonhuman animals
• The connection/intersection between testing on humans and nonhuman animals
• The challenges for the change of paradigm

Please submit your abstract (max. 500 words) and short bio (max. 150 words) to Kathrin Herrmann ( or Kimberely Jayne ( by January 31st 2016. Acceptance of submitted papers will be based upon relevance, quality and originality. Notification of acceptance : March 15th 2016.

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Coordonatrice du Centre de justice sociale de l'Université Concordia (Montréal) - Coordinator Social Justice Centre (Concordia University, Montreal)

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