Dans le récent numéro de Critical Animal Studies, Josephine Donovan critique plusieurs articles du collectif “Tous vulnérables ? Le care, les animaux et l’environnement” pour leur échec à être attentifs à “la voix différente” des animaux, pour leur promotion du meurtre (Grandin, Leopold) et leur mécompréhension de l’éthique du Care.
“The French applications of care theory go awry, I contend, because they do not adhere to this bottom-line criterion. (…) First is their equivocation about vegetarianism, which leads in certain instances to a qualified endorsement of meat-eating; two, the promotion of Temple Grandin, a professor of animal science, and Aldo Leopold, well-known ecologist, as exemplars of care practice.”
“An understanding of the underlying premises of care theory – namely, that (as many of these French theorists note) since care theory is rooted in the articulation and recognition of “a different voice” (the title, as noted, of Carol Gilligan’s original founding document), it requires, in the case of animals, listening to that voice, hearing its communication, and incorporating that communication honestly into one’s ethical decision-making. Were that communication from animals honored, meat-eating would not be an option; nor could Grandin’s nor Leopold’s practice be seen as linked to care theory, for both engage in actions that either directly kill (Leopold’s hunting) or endorse and enable the killing of animals (Grandin’s work in slaughterhouses).” (p. 11)
Téléchargez en PDF : http://www.criticalanimalstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/JCAS-Vol-11-Issue-1-2013-PDF.pdf

Tous vulnérables ? Le care, les animaux et l’environnement
(Sandra Laugier, ed.), Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 2012.
Avec les contributions de Solange Chavel, Nicolas Delon, Marie Gaille, Eva Feder Kittay, Catherine Larrère, Sandra Laugier, Anne Le Goff, Pascale Molinier et Layla Raïd.