Evidence-based Approaches to the Study of Human-Animal Interactions
ISAZ 2013 Conference
22nd Annual Conference of the International Society of Anthrozoology
due 1/31/13
Location: Chicago, IL
Date: July 18-19, 2013
Contact: conferences@isaz.net
22nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Anthrozoology
July 18-19, 2013 – Chicago IL, USA
Evidence-based Approaches to the Study of
Human-Animal Interactions:
Past, Current, and Future Research Directions
The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) invites submission of both oral (15 minutes total) and poster abstracts for its 22nd Annual Conference which will be held in Chicago, IL, USA on July 18-19th, 2013. The Conference will focus on the general theme of evidence-based approaches to the study of human-animal interactions, although free papers on other relevant topics are also encouraged.
Research abstracts must include: 1. A list of authors (presenting author in bold), institutional affiliations, and email address for correspondence; 2. An introduction to the study and its objectives; 3. Methodology – including a description of the participants (both human and animal), such as number (n), type, age, gender, and species, and a description of the study design, data collection, and data analysis; 4. Main results, including, when appropriate, statistical test, significance level and actual test value (e.g., F(df) = ?, p < 0.05), and 5. Principal conclusions and implications for the field.
Critical review abstracts must include: 1. List of authors (presenting author in bold), institutional affiliations, and email address for correspondence; 2. An introduction to the review and its objectives; 3. Key literature references to theory, concepts, evidence or methodology that have been reviewed or re-evaluated; 4. Main findings, and 5. Principal conclusions and implications for the field.
Abstracts must be in English, can be no longer than 300 words, and should be concise, informative and explicit. All abstracts should be prepared in MS Word format and state clearly whether an oral or poster presentation is preferred. Abstracts for oral presentations that are not selected may be eligible for presentation as posters. A sample abstract is provided for reference below. Submissions should be sent by email only to: James Serpell at: serpell@vet.upenn.edu.
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31st, 2013.